If you're trying to decide whether to get your TESOL, TEFL, TESL, or CELTA certification, read this article I wrote at ESL101.com. It can help clear up some of your confusion.
TESL, TEFL, TESOL, CELTA - Which ESL Teaching Certification Is Right For You?
In: Can be used for months, years, decades, centuries, seasons, and the future.
Examples: 1.) I will go to university in September. 2.) I went to university in 1993. 3.) I went to university in the 1980’s. 4.) I went to university in the late 20th century. 5.) I go to university in the fall. 6.) I will go to the store in a few minutes. Note that this use of “in” is in the future, but it is for a shorter period than the other examples. At: Can be used for particular times. Examples: 1.) I will go to the store at 5:30. 2.) I go to the store every day at midday. 3.) I go to the store on Tuesdays at lunchtime. 4.) I go to the store at sunset. 5.) I go to the store at night. Note that we do not say “at day.” Instead, we say, “during the day.” 6.) I go to the store at Thanksgiving to buy enough food for the meal. 7.) British English usage: I go to the store at the weekend. American English would say, “on the weekend.” On: Can be used for days and dates Examples: 1.) I like to go to parties on Fridays. 2.) I am excited to go to the party on January 19. Reference: http://www.englishgrammarexpress.com/grammar/in-on-at-time Check out these sites for some online practice! Then try making your own sentences using these prepositions. http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/time-prepositions-exercise-2.html http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=5278 It's simple. Believe in yourself.
Talk to a clerk at the store. Call a friend from class to talk on the phone. Find a volunteer conversation partner through a local nonprofit or religious organization. Join an adult English class in your community. (Many of them are cheap or free.) Join iTalki or MyLanguageExchange and find a conversation partner in exchange for giving lessons in your native language. Work with a private tutor to build your confidence. You can even talk to yourself in English out loud for 10 minutes a day! (No one will know or laugh.) Set aside 15 minutes a night with your roommates, husband, or wife, and speak nothing but English. . .even if the other person doesn't understand what you're saying. My daughter is learning Spanish, and I talked to her for a few minutes yesterday in that language, using lots of body language to help her understand that I was telling her to get her coat, put on her shoes, and socks, and get ready to go. She is four, but she understood everything I was telling her because I was pointing at my shoes and socks, etc. Record yourself speaking English, and then listen to it. I know this sounds crazy and embarrassing, but it is a great way to identify your own errors. Record yourself again on your computer, smart phone, tape player, etc., and listen to how much you've improved. Time yourself speaking on a topic to see if you can speak faster if you tend to speak slowly. If you're about to take the IELTS exam, in addition to working with a teacher to help you do well, try these tips:
AuthorLeyla Norman Archives
July 2020